Can I request an eBook PDF from another library?
The short answer is no. Publishers generally license electronic content rather than sell it outright, and without owning the item, libraries usually can’t lend it out. There are some exceptions for old books that have been scanned or specific collections of titles that publishers allow to be shared via restricted platforms. But in most cases, whole eBooks cannot be obtained via Document Delivery Services.
You may request chapters from eBooks via ILLiad. Note that we can only obtain limited electronic content per title in compliance with U.S. Copyright Law, so we may not be able to accommodate requests for multiple chapters if they make up a significant portion of the overall work.
If you would like to recommend a book for inclusion in MSK Library's collection, use the Submit a Question form on the right side of this page and select "Recommend a library resource for purchase" in the dropdown. The Library's Content Management team will review the recommendation and make a decision about acquiring it based on collection development policies.
Links & Files
- Login to ILLiad Document Delivery Opens in new window
- What should I know about copyright and Document Delivery? Opens in new window
- How will I receive the document I requested through ILLiad Document Delivery services? Opens in new window
- I received a document through ILLiad Document Delivery services. How long do my files stay in ILLiad? Opens in new window
- I work at one of MSK's regional sites. Can I use Document Delivery Services? Opens in new window
- How do I get a book, article, or other resource the Library doesn’t have? Opens in new window
- How can I recommend a journal or book for the Library to purchase? Opens in new window