How do I get a resource the Library doesn’t have? (How to use Document Delivery Services)


Make a request for an article or book chapter using MSK Library's Document Delivery Services

  1. Login to ILLiad using your MSK network username and password. If you are working remotely, you may be prompted to confirm with Ping ID.

  2. Enter your account and select "New Requests" from the menu. Choose the appropriate form for what you want to request. Fill in the citation information and click "Submit."

  3. MSK Library's Document Delivery Services team will find the item, either from another library or a third-party vendor, and notify you when it is available to download from your ILLiad account.

Note that requests to Document Delivery Services must be work related. Due to budget constraints, MSK Library can no longer borrow whole print books from other libraries, but users may continue to request individual chapters within appropriate copyright guidelines. 

Document Delivery Services operates under section 108 of title 17 of the United States Code. This allows MSK Library to borrow and share copyrighted materials within certain limitations. By submitting a request to Document Delivery Services, you agree to comply with U.S. copyright law.

  • Last Updated Oct 10, 2024
  • Views 358
  • Answered By Rebecca Meng

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