What is a systematic review protocol? Do I need one?
A systematic review protocol outlines your plans for each step of the review. It is the best practice to complete and register a protocol early in your review process, and journals are increasingly requiring it. Having a protocol will help ensure that you have thought through each phase of the review and gives you a roadmap throughout the process.
Follow the PRISMA-P extension to complete a protocol, then register it on a registry like Prospero, Open Science Framework Registries, or Protocols.io.
Links & Files
- MSK Systematic Review Service Opens in new window
- PRISMA for Systematic Review Protocols (PRISMA-P) Opens in new window
- Prospero Opens in new window
- What is a systematic review? Opens in new window
- What is the difference between a systematic review and a scoping review? Opens in new window
- Can I complete a systematic review on my own? Opens in new window
- What is the difference between a literature review and a systematic review? Opens in new window
- How can I request to work with a librarian on my systematic review? Opens in new window
- Does the Library offer any systematic review tools or software? Opens in new window
- Does the Library offer classes in conducting systematic reviews? Opens in new window
- How do I know if there’s already a systematic review on my topic? Opens in new window