I found a citation but when I requested the full text all I got was an abstract. Why can't I get the full text? How do I know if it is an article or a conference abstract?
It is possible that the citation you found is not a full article but a conference abstract, or poster. In that case, it would most likely have a number instead of a page or a page range, this number sometimes starting with an A, and many times the source listed would be a journal Supplement. If you find such a citation in a bibliographic database go into the full bibliographic record to see what the format of this publication is, whether it is listed as an article or a conference/meeting abstract.
In case of conference abstracts, an abstract in a bibliographic database record could be the only full text available although sometimes there may be a table that is not in a database record.
You may also search bibliographic databases on a possibility that a full article was published reporting the same study.
You may need to talk to a Librarian to get more help with identifying conference abstracts.
For anything that is not immediately available via the library’s electronic subscriptions, submit a request to Document Delivery Services and the item will be delivered to you within a few days. https://library.mskcc.org/documentdelivery.