Why can't I see all of my publications in Synapse?
Synapse contains works you have authored while at MSK (where you have listed your affiliation as Memorial Sloan Kettering on the publication). After registering with ORCID@MSK, you can sync your Synapse publications to your ORCID record, but you will not see any works you authored while at another institution. If you would like help on populating your ORCID record with non-MSK publications or believe some of your MSK publications are missing from Synapse, contact us for assistance.
Also, a journal will often offer online access to an article after its been accepted, but before being published in a journal - this is called an 'ahead of print' work. Such works often lack volume, issue, and page numbers while final adjustments are made. If an MSK-authored paper is ahead of print, Synapse will monitor it until they've been assigned an issue, at which point it'll be fully included.