How do I borrow a book?
MSK staff and community members are welcome to visit and check out books and other print items. Staff and students from the Hospital for Special Surgery, The Rockefeller University, and Weill Cornell may also check out items, but first check with your institution’s library to make sure you are registered.
Once you have located the item(s) you would like, bring them to the information desk and a staff member will check them out to you.
Links & Files
- How do I renew a book? Opens in new window
- What are the Library's hours and location? Opens in new window
- How do I get a book, article, or other resource the Library doesn’t have? Opens in new window
- How do I know if the Library has access to a particular item? Opens in new window
- Who can use the Library? Opens in new window
- How can I find a list of journals the Library subscribes to? Opens in new window
- How do I get in touch with the Library? Opens in new window
- Can I visit other libraries if I am affiliated with MSK? Opens in new window
- What do I do if I'm having trouble accessing a resource? Opens in new window