How do I get access to EndNote?
Contact the HelpDesk at 123-3337 (on site) or 646-227-3337 (off site) or via The Spot to have EndNote added to your MSK account.
If you have an older version than EndNote 20 on an MSK laptop, you can download the new version:
PC: Go to the Company Portal from the Windows Start menu to download the app.
Mac: Go to the MSK Self-Service Portal to install the upgraded EndNote 20 software.
Please note: Current Endnote 20 policy is that the software will not be provided for use on personal computers.
Links & Files
- Information about Upgrading to EndNote 20 Opens in new window
- Citation Management Guide Opens in new window
- How can I learn to use EndNote? Opens in new window
- Will MSK install EndNote Desktop software on my personal computer? Opens in new window
- Which citation management tools do I have access to? Opens in new window
- How do I sign up for MSK's Mendeley subscription? Opens in new window
- What is SciWheel? How do I create an account? Opens in new window
- Endnote Tips (MSK Library Blog) Opens in new window